Hi everyone,

As a mother of two that works full time and has a significant other in her life, I've been spread pretty thin since I started this blog. It takes a lot of time and energy to come up with post ideas and to share yourself with strangers as to your inner fears and outer opinions and I want to thank all of you that made this journey with me by visiting the site and leaving your comments. To you bloggers that have been doing this for years, my hat is off to you....you ROCK!
To all the friends I've made, all the best to you in your future writing projects!! To those of you that didn't see my point of view...well, you win some and you lose some.
To Katie, thank you for all you've done to help improve MYSTERY WRITERS UNITE and for being my friend! For all of you that follow Katie -- don't fret! You can still do so by visiting her personal website at: http://kateburnsauthor.wordpress.com/
Happy writing everyone!