Sunday, November 6, 2011

What Can YOU Write in 6 Sentences?

Hi everyone,

Like Poetry Corner (on Saturday's), I've decided to make "What Can YOU Write in 6 Sentences?" a weekly blog post as well on Sunday's because it is so much fun to challenge myself and others!!

Here is my submission this week:

I sit here in my pajamas, smoking a cigarette, sitting on the green padded love seat that has been stored away for winter in my cold garage that smells a bit musty from lack of attention. My mind is racing as my fingers tip tap one idea after another on the keyboard of my faithful MAC. I'm preparing a weeks work of blog posts and oblivious to my surroundings or others. Focused and hopeful that what I share with my readers this week will WOW them. I strive to be helpful, entertaining and supportive so they will feel inclined to visit again and again. Will I succeed?

Have a great day everyone :-)


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