Friday, January 6, 2012

Getting Published ~ Part II Information and Resources

Hi everyone,

As promised in “Getting Published ~ Part I Options” that was run on Tuesday of this week, here is “Getting Published ~ Part II Information and Resources”.

Agency Representation:

The first rule of thumb is to try and choose an agent’s filed of expertise matches your genre. Don’t just choose one or two but make a longer list of about 10 – 15 possibilities and then prepare your Query email or letter. For rules for preparing your Query email or letter, check out the post that was on Mystery Writers Unite by clicking the following link: The Query Letter.


Do not send any files until an agent asks you for more material. Also, don’t be afraid to let the agent know that numerous agents are considering your project and you have made “simultaneous submissions”.  Lastly, don’t try to flatter or cajole an agent and resist the temptation to praise or denigrate your own work and don’t phone them to find out what their decision is because agents can take much longer to reply and sometimes they never reply. Your better off to focus your energy on those who do respond instead of worrying about those that don’t. This option is NOT for the faint of heart.

One final note: Fiction writers will be asked at some point to submit either a sample of their work with a synopsis or the complete manuscript whereas non-fiction writers will be expected to submit a proposal. A classic guide for submitting a book proposal is Michael Larsen’s How to Write a Book Proposal. For those of you that are more visual, literary agent Ted Weinstein offers a free 90-minute “Proposal Boot Camp" seminar online.

Independent Press:

The leading association of independent publishers in the US is the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA). They are located at 627 Aviation Way, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 or online at . A national group of independent publishers is the Small Publishers Association of North America (SPAN). They are located at P.O. Box 1306, Buena Vista, CO 81211 or online at .

Co-op or “POD” Publishing:

Most Co-op or “POD” publishers arrange for the printing of your book through a print-on-demand technology, which means that books are produced only in the quantities orders, eliminating the need to maintain an inventory. If you plan on producing a single copy that is likely to sell in a low quantity (less than 1000 copies) then this may be an option for you.

Co-op or “POD” publishers vary in the amount and quality of production and publicity services they will provide so it is important to research their contract very carefully and that in the end you will still probably do the majority of the publicity of your book. If you are the type that is willing to invest in your work but prefer not to get involved in all the technical aspects of publishing, then working with a Co-op or “POD” publisher may be just what you’ve been looking for. Feel free to visit the following links to get a feel for this new publishing option:

Lastly, here are two websites that compare the costs and benefits of various Co-op or “POD” Publishers: Problems & Benefits of POD  and

Electronic Publishing:

Some online references about ePublishing include:

Visit the following electronic publishers to get an education in this field:

As you can see, there are MANY options to become published and there is no right way or wrong way!! Happy writing and publishing everyone!!


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