Thursday, September 29, 2011

Writing Groups Ottawa

Good morning :-)

It is a wet and rainy day in the Nation's Captial and days like this make me want to hybernate in my "girl cave" and bang out scenes on my computer. The weather also, for some reason unkown to me, makes me full of thoughts and ideas! So, I thought today's post would include a few links about groups in Ottawa that support writers through meeting and sharing ideas, frustrations, success and nice times. Check out the links and see if any of these groups might appeal to you.
  • Capital Crime Writers, founded in 1988, is for those interested in writing or researching crime fiction and meets on the second Wednesday of the month.
  • Ottawa Independent Writers, created in 1984, is dedicated to writers with a yearning to create fiction. Their site contains contests, links for writers and editors.
  • The Valley Writers' Guild has information on awards, competitions, and upcoming writing events in Ontario. A writer can join the group for $35 per year.
Have a great day everyone!


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